Become A ContestantREGISTERBecome a Contestant… Full Name (required)STATE OF ORIGIN (required)STATE OF RESIDENCE (required)RELIGION (required)CONTACT ADDRESS (required) LOCAL GOVT. AREA (required) AgegeAjeromi-IfelodunAlimoshoAmuwo-OdofinApapaBadagryEpeEti-OsaIbeju/LekkiIfako-IjayeIkejaIkoroduKosofeLagos IslandLagos MainlandMushinOjoOshodi-IsoloShomoluSurulereLCDAs (required) Orile AgegeIfelodunAgbado Oke-OdoAyobo IpajaEgbe IdimuEjigboIgando IkotunMosan-OkunolaOriadeApapa IganmuBadagry WestOlorundaEredoIkosi EjinrinEti-Osa EastIkoyi ObalendeIru VictoriaLekkiOjokoroOnigbongboOjoduIgbogbo BaiyekuIjedeIkorodu NorthIkorodu WestImotaAgboyi KetuIkosi EjinrinLagos Island EastYabaOdi-OlowoIbaOto-AworiIsoloBarigaCoker AgudaItire-IkateDATE OF BIRTH (required)Phone Number (required)Your Email (required)OCCUPATION (required)HOBBIES AND INTEREST (required)BODY STATISTICS: (required)Head ShotFull LengthDO YOU SPEAK ANY NIGERIAN LAGUAGE? (required)YesNoADDITIONAL INFORMATIONHIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED WITH DATE(required)COLLEGE OR UNIVERISTY ATTENDING OR ATTENDED WITH DATE (If Applicable)ARE YOU CURRENTLY EMPLOYED?YesNoFull timePart timeNone (if not employed)If yes, Provide Employers NameWhat are your future career goals?If you have one wish to come true, what would it be:Tell us a bit about your backgroundWhy did you want to be a part of the Face of Lagos Beauty Pageant and what experiences do you hope to gain from your participationParent or Guardian NameParent or Guardian Phone NumberHave you participatedin any other pageant?YesNoIf yes,Please State Name of PageantHow did you hear about The Face of Lagos Beauty Pageant?I declare that the above information is truly mine, and there are no false declarations herein and that if found in a later date that the information present here were untrue that the organizers have full right to prosecute and strip me of any title or other items presented to me during the course of this pageant. I also acknowledge and agree to hold neither the Face of Lagos Beauty Pageant, the organizers (Reel Production Global) for any property stolen, injury, accident or damage during or in transit to and from the event that may arise from the general negligence of the aforementioned parties. I consent to my child (named above) participation in this event and voluntarily and freely waive any and all responsibility or liability for injury that may result from the general negligence of the aforementioned parties. This is dated: Please prove you are human by selecting the star. Δ